Every business, small or large, has a manifesto of values it strongly believes in delivering to its customers. After having grown about double the team size and revenue from last fiscal year, we recently decided to declare our own company manifesto too in order to broadcast the philosophical ideologies that have helped us grow sustainably without any external funding whatsoever.
Our manifesto has also helped in propagating the synchronous attitude among the team members to talk in similar lines as those of our core ideologies, upon which Think201 was founded.
We, out of our passion to build tech products, are able to serve our clients. The bunch of thinkers at our office like to fundamentally understand every user journey of the platform for any business before starting the development work.
We brainstorm with our clients to understand the target users demography, value additions to the users from the clients’ products or services, and USPs of the clients’ businesses so we can make rational decisions in the creation of UI/UX mockups and in the decision of a relevant tech stack for the business’s needs.
These brainstorming sessions with our clients provide us insights on how to choose the right color schemes for conveying the same emotion as that of the brand, strategically order the messaging on the website or landing page for a smooth storytelling of the brand to communicate with their customers, and decide on the relevant call-to-actions that need to be emphasised for promoting user engagement and lead generation.
Here, we follow a similar philosophical analogy by dividing our product development cycle into 3 steps:
- Feature Requirement Specifications (FRS) — From the initial brainstorming with our client, we document Feature Requirement Specifications, wherein all the user personas and respective user workflows for all the core features of the client’s business are listed.
- Interactive UI/UX Design Mockups — Upon the approval of the client after a couple of feedback tweaks, our design team initiates working on the whole product around the target user demography and the core values (and industry-specific standards) of the product. It’s this stage where both the client and the project manager can realize a few workflows weren’t completely thought through.
The above two steps, therefore, become open for reviews and verification of the complete product user journeys. New screens can be introduced as part of improving the UX.
It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the above two steps analogously comprise 55 minutes of an hour.
- Development — When all the flows and mockups are finally frozen, we get to the technical development of the platform. With all the above two steps taken seriously, our clients are pretty sure of what they should be expecting at the end of product development.
After the development, the quality assurance engineers work towards making sure the product is functioning as expected before being deployed to production.
Our Feature Requirement Specifications document and the design mockups are the triggers for both parties to completely think through every user flow on the platform and confirm the same. We suggest these processes not be taken lightly since they prevent any possible future confusion about any feature.
We don’t shy away from asking our clients if any of the processes or flows are not completely thought through. We work best when we are allowed to exercise our creative freedom to bring out the best results.
We believe that we work with our clients to help them realize their dreams instead of working just for them. Therefore, we expect that we work as a team and can frankly “agree to disagree” in a discussion.
Feel free to contact us at hello@think201.com if you feel we would be a great fit to work together on building awesome products.