COVID-19 pandemic has taught us a lot of things since its occurrence. But one thing it has taught businesses is how to cope & innovate.
We at Think201, have been thriving through these challenging times to keep “business as usual”. While we do so it has also given us time to think, tweak & innovate processes to adapt to the “New Normal”.
Our internal communications, project planning, execution, client interactions & sales meetings everything has evolved for good. With all these areas one thing which we took a swift action was on Hiring & Onboarding Process Innovation.
Process — Then
When a new Thinker joins our workforce for an in-office role, they get a warm welcome from peers. It is then led by a thorough onboarding from the leaders of the company followed by a quick tour of the office. A good ice-breaking activity for them is arranged to make them feel part of the team from day 01. During the first few days, new joinee observes, absorbs & learns from the team members not just about work but about the company culture, missions & goals.
Process Now
We couldn’t imagine onboarding newcomers without introducing them to our company culture or showing how hustle happens at work.
The limitations we had were –
When we got to know what are the limitations, we were able to crack this with a solution that can address most of it, if not all.
Beautifully knit video touching upon important topics of onboarding & company culture introduction.
The video we made had all the important aspects that a new Thinker should know at a pace that is suitable to absorb. The visual aid was the best way to convey information & also to make it less boring. An added advantage is that it gives them the convenience of watching it over & over again until they get it right.
A sneak peek into what we covered in the video-
Response to the video by our new Thinkers
It was very nice to see the excitement in our new Thinkers looking at the onboarding video. The video definitely succeeded in bringing them a step closer to the company & break the ice. Conversations became much easier & comfortable.
Our efforts did pay off in setting the first steps right for the newcomers “virtually” & we are happy about that.
While we continue to adapt to the new normal, we are also constantly growing & solving the challenges it poses to us creatively.
Stay tuned to know more in this space.
#NewNormal #Innovation