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OpenThreads - Bringing Clients and Project Managers on the Same Page

by yash

Last updated : January 10, 2025


Working with a client can be tough. Working with clients can be tougher. Client interfacing personnel mostly called as Project Managers (PMs), listen to all the client requirements, modifications and feedback. Not only do Project Managers need to track the requirements but they also need to keep track of deliverables with respect to deadlines for all the requirements of every project they manage.

Moreover, Project Managers have to make sure all the dependencies are cleared by the client for the deliverables to be made on time. There are times clients have queries that are to be cleared by Project Managers to make sure clients have enough information as well.

Phew!! A job of a project manager doesn’t come so easy, does it?

Maybe, it just might with OpenThreadsOpenThreads is a project status tracking system allowing Project Managers communicate seamlessly with their clients for efficient and hassle-free project deliveries, built by Think201 team to help make our own Project Managers’ lives easier.

How It Works?

OpenThreads allow Project Managers to create projects and share the progress status of it with clients through a unique access pin.

Open Threads - Grant Access
  1. PMs can create threads to the projects such as Design Thread, Development Thread, and so on with the tentative start and end date.
    Open Threads - Start the Project
  2. PMs can add knots to threads providing intermediary milestones to a complete thread such as wireframes completion, interface completion under Design Thread. The knots have planned date of completion as well.
    Open Threads - Add a Knot
  3. PMs can add dependencies to knots for completion of a knot or a thread for that matter. For instance: logo can be a dependency for Design Thread, cpanel access credentials can be a dependency for product deployment knot under the Go live Thread.Open-Threads-Dependency

4. OpenThreads also allows clients to ask queries to PMs, if any, they might have.

At the end of the project, both the parties can assess the timeline of the project to check what could have potentially caused the delay in the deliverable, if there was a delay at all.

Why OpenThreads?

Think201 is always striving to work towards efficiency improvement at every level in the company. It can be done either through very basic changes in process (like a DND), or addition/removal of a process (like having intermediary QA checks after design or development) or building small tools that eliminate the redundancy and inefficiency from operations (such as OpenThreads and Echoza).

This time we chose to make client interactions more efficient without any communication gap on the project progress by building OpenThreads.

Watch this video to know more about OpenThreads

Feel free to sign up for a free trial.

OpenThreads Launch Video at our very own Think201 office

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