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Think201 Chronicles Podcast – The Journey of Think201 (A Tech Startup) Ep. 01

by admin

Last updated : January 10, 2025

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a startup and want to pivot your strategies, a client of Think201,  a Thinker or a ‘wanna-be-thinker’, then this podcast is for you!

How a tech startup – Think201 – without raising a single penny from any external sources sustained for 5 years by leveraging the principles of a lean startup? The first ever episode of Think201 Chronicles is about Think201 – A Bootstrapped Lean Technology Startup.

The podcast starts with the inception of Think201 and the choices that were made to build a company. The journey is shared first hand from the Founder and CEO of Think201 – Anurag Rath.

“You wouldn’t be able to do much if you follow the template of what is being said and assumed to be the right path. There is much more to that.” – Anurag Rath

The passion of doing something new, doing something out of the box or ‘doing something for yourself’ formed Think201 back in 2013.

Nowadays, the first thing you will find on the whiteboards of every wannabe entrepreneur is the action plan for funding, angel investors and so on. But this is what the CEO of a Bootstrapped Tech Startup has to say:

“I can say proudly here not a single month salary has been delayed, forget about not being able to pay.” – Anurag Rath

Being lean and still meeting the quality, creativity and customer satisfaction – is it possible? The answer is a resounding YES according to the Co-Founder and COO of Think201 – Yashaswini Prakash.

“Moving fast is the fundamental principle because we care about getting validated. Though there is a downside of re-working, at instances, the progress achieved at the end of it all, makes it worth it” – Yashaswini Prakash

In achieving customer satisfaction, what companies are missing is the ‘personal touch’ in the products that they build. Akash, being the Chief Products Officer of Think201, elaborates on stating, “We work with our clients and not just for our clients” and “We draw a line beyond which we work our way”, on the Think201 Manifesto

“We understand that our experience should be applied in the benefit of our clients. We request our clients to allow us to exercise our freedom for their products to get the ingenious touch of Think201.” – Akash Agrawal

This is a glimpse from the Think201 Chronicles Podcast Ep.1.

Check out our podcast on YouTube or listen to it on Soundcloud.

Have insights on business, tech, entrepreneurship or just want to have a discussion about anything under the sun? We’re always happy to meet with great minds. Reach us at and get your hands on the best coffee ever ( or beer or whatever floats your boat).

Stay tuned for the next episode of Think201 Chronicles. Till then, ciao!


Anurag Rath (Founder & Chief Executive Officer)

Yashaswini Prakash (Co-Founder & Chief Operations Officer)

Akash Agrawal (Chief Products Officer)

Host – Dhruv Jadav (Digital Marketing Strategist)

Production – Abhijit Logun

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