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The Professional Quest by our Interns

by admin

Last updated : January 8, 2025


Two months ago, a professor from Presidency University, approached Think201 looking for internship opportunities for their second year B.Tech students. More than the technical work exposure, they were particular about providing them a glimpse of the professional world.  


In the words of Think201 COO Yashaswini, “We were approached to be a chosen organization for the students to learn about the professional environment & without a second thought we made up our mind to welcome them.  We know how most of the graduates lack basic yet essential awareness of professionalism, work ethics & soft skills.”


Interns Journey at Think201  


On 29th May 2018, we were equally excited to welcome Riya, Hima, Yashitha, and Ramya into our Thinkers’ team. While Riya and Hima chose QA under the mentorship of Kunal, Yashitha and Ramya joined the Digital Marketing team under the mentorship of Dhruv.


 The interns were first given an orientation and were introduced to our invaluable culture. They were also given Think201 Goodies as a welcome gift.


 Interns in the Testing Team:


Kunal shares his experience as a mentor. In his words,


“On their first day, all I saw was two young naive girls who had not yet been exposed to the practical aspects of QA. Hima and Riya spent their first week exploring the projects and also understanding the concepts & in getting to know the team.


Soon, we gave them projects to be tested, but they couldn’t find any bugs. They were hesitant to ask us any questions or to get their doubts clarified, because of which there was a gap between their work execution and our expectations. But once we encouraged them to ask more questions, they eventually began to enjoy the testing process.



The interns whom I saw on day 1 was totally different from the ones whom I saw on the last day. They had already taken up more projects, had a better understanding of the concepts, and more importantly, they both were totally professional.


Hima was able to showcase exemplary skills in testing. Some of the questions that she raised were mind-blowing. Both the interns were too good. It definitely was an excellent experience for me, and I believe we gave them one too.


Here’s what Hima shared on her last day-


“It was a great experience working with Think201 for about 2 months. We got to learn new things like the company culture, professionalism, etc. Our mentors were amazing. They were always there to get our silliest doubts clarified. The guidance and encouragement they give are superb. The team is very friendly and approachable. Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity.”

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Interns in the Digital Marketing Team


Dhruv explains the challenges faced by the DM team as a whole and the results that were derived from the interns.  In Dhruv’s words-


Since this was their first time in a professional environment, there were lots of challenges that we faced as a team while training the interns. Yashitha and Ramya were still second-year students who had nil exposure to the professional world. However, both of them were very supportive and made my job easy.


First, we tried to understand their interests and then tried to teach them every aspect of DM.  They indeed stumbled a bit at the beginning. However, soon there was a gradual development in them.


We assigned them with activities like Blog Writing, Content Marketing, Creatives using the DM tools, Social media engagement, Site Submissions, and Analytics. By and by their interest and curiosity increased, and they even began to request us to provide with more DM related assignments.  

By the end of the second month, we were able to see a transformation in them. We were glad when they got over 50 ambassadors each for a clothing brand. I was very clear about providing them with a fun learning experience along with an exposure to Digital Marketing and the culture of Think201.



I feel they have learned many things about Digital Marketing, and I see a lot of changes in them as professionals, and I hope they are now clear about their career after this internship.


Yashitha’s experience in Think201 in her words-

“An amazing place to work! Work culture to be cherished and the support given by the team and the employees here is just the perfect flavor to the dish.”


And here’s what Ramya said-

“Excellent platform for interns..!! Working in the team helped me to learn new things.”

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The whole Think201 team made it a point to be a good example for the interns and everyone took the responsibility of guiding them throughout their internship period.


Yash also added, “This was a chance to give them the most valuable experience & exposure which they would remember for the rest of career.  We believe that this goal is fairly achieved and it looked evident in their progress.”


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